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Free acupuncture at Our Lady of Mount Carmel FFSP Catholic Church or my clinic in Arvada! 

Our Lady of Mt Carmel

Come to Our Lady of Mount Carmel FSSP Catholic Church in Littleton after 8:30 Mass for a free treatment in the Church basement. I typically wait for people around the north side of the parish hall after Mass. Treatments will be done seated. Men and women will be separated into different rooms if necessary. Please contact me if you have an questions. 

Our Lady of Mt Carmel

Patients in need

We all need some extra help from time to time. If you can't afford treatment, then you can get one for free! 

Schedule now!



Ideas that will have a positive impact on my local community and beyond.

Pediatric Class

I believe that parents, with the proper guidance, can learn how to help treat their children on their own. Everyone can sign up with their child to join in learning how to do a general treatment. If your child has already had their initial pediatric acupuncture session with me and has a clear diagnosis, then we can also practice that child's specific treatment protocol.  

WE can all do it. We just need practice.

Pulse Balancing Class

I know of a few different ways to balance a pulse. I would like to share these practices with those willing to learn. I will offer different kinds of pulse balancing classes. Some of these classes will be for individuals, where everyone balances their own pulse. Other classes will be cooperative. 
Like my yoga classes, I wish to create free content, such as books, videos and Quizlet flashcards. This will be for those that wish to make pulse balancing apart of their self care. 

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The Institutionalized 

Self care is an inalienable right. It cannot be taken away from or given away by an individual. It predates governments as well.
I want to do my best to share the tools and knowledge that I have learned to take care of myself with those with limited access. I will be working on short, 5 page documents to impart this information. I would like to go into institutions, such as jails, prisons and rehabilitation centers, to teach these skills in person. 

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